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Volcan Arenal

The following is a list of information

VisitedMarch 2020
Entrance *US$ 15 (Sector Volcán)
Opening hours08:00h (8am) to 16:00h (4pm)
Car park-
ing lot #
From the entrance to Sector Volcán, it is another 400m or so on a gravel road to the large car park-ing lot.
Directions °On the Ruta 142, which leads around the lake Arenal. Up to the entrance of sector Volcán everything is asphalted.
Info. on my partIt often rains in this area. Therefore I recommend the months of March and April for a visit.
Further info.VisitCostaRica.com

Sector Volcán: A gravel road leads slightly uphill. There you are quite close to the volcano. There is also a tour. This leads to two lava flows from 1992. From there you have a magnificent view of the volcano and the Arenal lake. In addition, you pass a kapok tree.
Sector Península: A main way and for a while the Tororoi trail lead down towards the lake. On the way there is a lookout tower, where you can see the lake. At the lake there is a platform on which there are tables and benches.